Dallas Emergency Preparedness

Polk Alerts
Be Ready Dallas!
There are many reasons to prepare for possible disasters in Dallas.  We live in a time where disasters are leaving thousands of people at the mercy of others during their time of need.  These disasters can range from natural (earthquakes, floods, etc.), unnatural (power outages, engineering failures), and human (terrorism, industrial incidents, etc.).  Being prepared for such an occasion can reduce the fear, anxiety, and losses that accompany disasters. If a disaster occurs, local government and relief organizations will try to help, but you need to be prepared as well because local responders may not be able to reach you immediately.  You should prepare to be self-sufficient for at least three days in the event of a disaster.  This may mean providing for your own shelter, first aid, food, water, and sanitation.

Click the links to the left for more great information on making sure you and your loved ones are ready for an emergency.

Dallas Emergency Management

Rest assured the City of Dallas is doing everything possible to prepare for storms and other emergencies and to help residents when needed.  In 2010, the City developed a detailed Emergency Operations Plan as an All-Hazards guideline for response to emergencies man-made and natural disasters.  The City Manager is the Emergency Management Director for our City.  He and the various department managers provide emergency responses based on the circumstance at hand.

Our City also coordinates with Polk County Emergency Management and the Oregon Office of Emergency Management if an incident requires assistance beyond the capacity of the City government.  However, all of us need to remember that every household should prepare an emergency plan that will sustain them for the first two weeks of a widespread severe emergency or disaster.